


Resource TypePosted On
Program to illustrate the implementation of linked list as a QueueApr 20
Program to illustrate the implementation of Double Ended linked list as a...Jan 12
simple queue with link listAug 28
Program to implement a circular queue as a linked listSep 24
A car garage simulation using de-queue (link list implementation)Sep 27
Decision Making and Branching using if statement , switch statement , conditiona...Sep 26
Decision Making and Looping using while statement , do while loop , for statemen...Feb 21
RMI application for getting the final total price of the shopping list with some...Feb 23
Implement a multi access threaded queue with multiple threads inserting and mult...May 19
Program to implement a multi access threaded queue with multiple threads inserti...Dec 23
Program to create a queue using static memory allocationJan 30
Program to create queue / fifo using dynamic memory allocationNov 29
Program of Graphical Representation of Stack And QueueNov 19
Program to illustrate the implementation of arrays as a Linear Queue ( in graphi...Jun 14
Program to illustrate the implementation of arrays as a Circular Queue ( in grap...Jun 28
Program to illustrate the implementation of arrays as a Linear QueueSep 14
Program to illustrate the implementation of array as a Circular QueueJul 15
Program to create a queue using static memory allocationMay 29
Program to create a circular queueSep 02
Program to create a queue using dynamic memory allocation Oct 10
simple queue with arrayAug 25
Queue with arrayNov 09
Program that implements circular queue as an arrayJan 07
Program that implements a priority queue using an arrayNov 05
Prolog program to concatenate two lists, an element is a member of a given list ...Feb 22
Prolog program to merge two ordered list generating an ordered listFeb 22
Prolog program to check whether a list is an ordered list or notFeb 22
Doubly circular link list or Circular doubly link list Oct 21
Prolog program to concatenate two lists giving third listFeb 21
Prolog program to read a file and display each of its line one by one and lines ...Feb 21
Defines queue and priority queues. Lists basic operations and properties of queu...Mar 05
Prolog program of predicate ordered (List) which is true if List is an ordered l...Feb 21
Prolog program to define two predicates evenlength(List) and oddlength(List) so ...Feb 22
Program that list of letters should be an alphabetical list of upper case letter...Nov 16
Prolog program to find the permutations of a given list i.e. to find all possibl...Feb 22
Program to illustrate the implementation of Double Ended linked list as a Sta...Dec 28
Prolog program Define the relation last(item,list) so that item is the last elem...Feb 21
Prolog program to define the relation last(item,list) so that item is the last e...Feb 22
Prolog program to read a list of strings , integer and display all the strings w...Feb 21
Program to concatenate one linked list at end of another and than to erase all n...Nov 18
Program to find the number of nodes in the linked list using recursionFeb 14
Program to compare two linked lists using recursionSep 20
Program to copy one linked list into another using recursionJan 23
Program to add a new node at the end of linked list using recursionSep 15
Program to add two polynomials maintained as linked listsOct 25
Program to multiply two polynomials maintained as linked listsJan 22
Program to store sparse matrix as a linked listMar 08
Singly Linked list Nov 20